Dining Out



Dining out re-imagined.

The new normal is fast approaching. Many businesses have been hit hard this year, particularly the restaurant industry. We, at Safe Dining Booth, are committed to supporting the restaurant industry by getting employees back to work and safely providing a comfortable eating environment for consumers at their favorite restaurant.

With over 30 years of construction and installation experience, MKC Contracting has developed and designed Safe Dining Booth made of metal frame construction. These aesthetically pleasing custom booths built with high-quality wood and glass can accommodate dining parties up to 4 in a safe environment at their favorite restaurant.

As many U.S. restaurants look to re-open safely, we provide “outdoor dining booths” that can easily be erected in restaurant parking lots within close proximity to the restaurant and wait staff. These booths are weather resistant and can be customized with LED lighting. Option to include climate control* for year-round use!

*Restaurant to supply power.


Pricing based on specifications. The added benefit to restaurants utilizing Safe Dining Booth is that you can easily recoup your cost for each booth through shared advertising revenue.

How does that work?

Safe Dining Booth’s sales team works with major national advertisers to off-set cost of the booths for you. These advertisers want to be aligned with re-opening U.S. restaurants and are willing to pay to have their logos on the booths. Categories include: credit cards, banks, wireless providers, liquor advertisers and more!

Your restaurant will own the booths, while MKC will retain national advertising rights. You will receive up to 10% of the advertising fee providing you with an additional revenue stream for your restaurant.

The dining booths will be placed at the end of the parking space. Customer will drive into parking space, exit their car and enter the booth. Menu will be available online/tablet for easy ordering. The wait staff will pass their meal through the service window ensuring complete safety with no physical contact. Payment will also be made online. After completing meal, the booth will then be completely sterilized by restaurant employee for the next group.